Is Bacterial Infection Dangerous?

Is Bacterial Infection Dangerous?
Alex Perry Published : Oct 11, 2023 Last Updated : Feb 16, 2024

When bacteria enter your body and start to multiply, you suffer from bacterial infection.

Keep one thing in mind, not all bacteria are bad.

After you are born, several species of bacteria start to colonize inside your body.

Such a type of bacteria is not harmful and provides several benefits to your body like aiding with digestion.

On the other hand, some types of bacteria like pathogenic bacteria cause harm to your body.

When this type of bacteria infects your body, you start suffering from serious diseases. 

It is always better to consult your doctor once if you have a bacterial infection.

Remember even a minor skin infection when left untreated might develop into cellulitis.

Some bacterial infections can also contribute to life-threatening conditions such as sepsis.

Signs and symptoms of bacterial infection

The signs and symptoms of bacterial infection differ depending upon the place where the infection is present in the body.

However, some of the most common signs and symptoms of bacterial infections include:

  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Chills and sweats
  • Headache
  • New or sudden worsening of pain
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Unexplained exhaustion
  • Skin flushing, swelling, or soreness

Apart from these symptoms, you might also suffer other signs & symptoms of bacterial infections.

Before the infection turns into a dangerous condition, it is better to schedule an appointment with the doctor.

You must know that severe bacterial infection is the main cause of death in hospitals & other healthcare settings.

Bacteria can enter inside your body through wounds as well as surgery sites.

This further makes you suffer from dangerous bacterial infections like pneumonia, urinary tract, bloodstream, and abdominal infection.

What causes bacterial infection?

When bacteria enter your body, increase in number, and cause a reaction, you start suffering from bacterial infection.

Bacteria can enter your body through an opening in your skin, like a cut or a surgical wound.

Even though your airway, bacteria can enter inside your body, causing infections such as bacterial pneumonia.

When do you need to visit a doctor?

Some signs tell you have a bacterial infection, and it requires immediate medical attention.

  • Difficulty in breathing
  • A persistent fever
  • Blood in urine, vomit, or stool
  • Unexplained redness or swelling of your skin
  • Continuous cough or coughing up pus
  • Serious pain in the stomach or severe headache
  • Vomiting frequently and having trouble holding liquids down
  • A burn or cut that is red or has pus


Depending upon the pattern of your symptoms, the doctor will diagnose the kind of bacterial infection you are suffering from.

Your symptoms' location, timing, and seriousness will determine bacterial infection. 

Before prescribing any medication, the doctor will always confirm the diagnosis first.

This can be done by taking a sample of fluids like pus or mucus and sending it to the laboratory.

Your doctor might ask for a urine sample to check for bladder and kidney bacterial infections.

A fecal or stool sample helps determine the bacterial cause of regular GI upset.

When it comes to bacterial infections, antibiotics are a one-stop solution.

These medicines often target particular bacterial procedures and kill bacteria or stop them from multiplying.

You must know that there are several classes of antibiotics available in the market.

The doctor will recommend antibiotics accordingly, depending on the type of bacteria causing your infection.

This is because some bacteria might be sensitive to a certain antibiotic, and others might not.

In case your infection is minor, then the doctor will recommend an oral course of antibiotics.

Make sure you complete the entire course of antibiotics, even if you start feeling better the next day.

Not completing your course of treatment might leave some bacteria to survive, and your infection can also come back.

However, if your bacterial infection is serious, it must be treated in a hospital.

In this case, you will be recommended stronger antibiotics via an IV.

You must know that nowadays, you can get antibiotics online in different forms.

It can be taken orally in the form of a tablet or pill, while the creams or ointments can be applied topically.


One of the best ways to prevent bacterial infections is by practicing good hygiene.

Good hygiene means you must wash your hands and body properly and keep all personal items clean.

Moisturizing your skin on a regular basis is necessary because dry skin cracks, giving chance for bacteria to enter.

Never share your personal items like toothbrushes and drinking glasses because they transmit bacteria.

Bacteria can make you suffer from different types of infections and if left untreated, it becomes serious.

Therefore, make an appointment with your doctor, the moment you suspect the symptoms of bacterial infections in your body.