Difference Between Latisse and Careprost: Here Is Everything You Need to Know

Careprost is considered a generic version of Latisse and a non-prescription eyelash growth serum. These serums are considered the same in the volume of the medication and the active ingredient of Bimatoprost.
However, people using Latisse and Careprost experience fuller and darker eyelashes. The formulation of eyelash growth medicine is no less than a blessing for several people. Being a woman, if you are fed up with using fake eyelashes or investing in products then try Latisse and Careprost.
These serums are not only safe to use but also offer amazing results for a small amount of money.
Latisse contains an active ingredient called Bimatoprost which is FDA-approved to make your eyelash grow. On the other hand, Careprost is recommended to use for 16 weeks in order to attain the full effect. Just after a few weeks of Careprost use, you will notice darker lashes.
Nowadays, it is very easy to order Careprost and Latisse at an affordable price from licensed online pharmacies.
Is Careprost similar to Latisse?
In the market, you can find several enhancer products. But certain products offer extraordinary results like Careprost and Latisse. Safely using these serums will help you to experience eyelash growth that too in a short time.
With the increasing demand for eyelash enhancers, pharmaceutical companies have produced a generic of the product which is available at less price but with similar efficiency.
Now you can find a generic form of Latisse under the following product name i.e., Careprost. This is one of the most common medications which is famous for its beauty feats.
It is important to understand that Latisse and Careprost are alike in composition and in the action applied to your eyelashes. They contain almost 0.03% bimatoprost ophthalmic solution. By using these products, you will experience improvement in the hair follicles and enhance the growth of eyes hair, and color, making it look darker as well as longer.
If you wish to grow your lashes in a short time then you must definitely give it a try to Careprost or Latisse. These eyelash growth serums are not only safe but also take the time of just a few weeks to make your lashes look darker and younger, eliminating the need for makeup.
From a licensed and reputed online pharmacy, you can order Careprost and Latisse. Once the order is placed, you will get the delivery of these serums at your place.
It is vital to know that Careprost is also an effective medicine that treats pressure in the eyes in adults suffering from glaucoma as well as high pressure in the eye.
Remember if the pressure in your eye is too high then it can damage your sight, leading to blindness. This medication works by aiding the fluid to flow properly inside the eye into the blood.
Know the difference in pricing
Both the products are equally effective but when the price is compared, it is noticed that Careprost is much more affordable than Latisse. You need to know that Careprost is a generic medicine that comes at a pocket-friendly price.
On average, one Careprost bottle is much more expensive when compared to the same dosage and concentration of Latisse. In case, you can purchase Latisse then go for it, but if you want to save your money then Careprost is the best option.
Careprost vs Latisse: Which one is best for you?
Both eyelash growth serums are specially formulated to ensure thick and long lashes. However, there are some distinctions that you must comprehend:
- Latisse is expensive when compared to Careprost
- Both the serums vary in their manufacturing companies
- The generic serum is available over the counter, while Latisse is not
How Careprost and Latisse are used?
Before using Bimatoprost or Latisse, it is necessary to read the patient information leaflet. This will help you to know about them in detail. To apply this medication, you must first wash your hands and face as well. Now remove the makeup and contact lenses (if any).
After using the medication, contact lenses must be reinserted almost 15 minutes later. You need to place only one drop of this medication on the applicator provided. Both Careprost and Latisse are used in almost similar ways. Make sure to consult the doctor before starting the treatment.
Now draw away the applicator through the skin of your upper eyelid margin at the base of the eyelashes that goes from the inner part of the lash line to the outer part.
In case, any additional solution is applied beyond your eyelid margin then remove it immediately. Once the medication is applied, you must always throw away the applicator. For application on the other upper eyelid, you need to repeat the same process with the help of a new applicator.
Before using Latisse or Careprost, you must know they are not meant for use on your lower eyelids. If any of these medicines get into your eye then don’t rinse your eye. The medication will not harm your eye if it gets inside because it is also recommended by the doctor to treat glaucoma problems in the eyes.
To avoid the problem of contamination, the dropper tip should not be touched or the dropper must not touch eyelashes or another surface strictly. Do not rinse the dropper, simply replace the dropper cap after every use and keep the cap closed tightly.
Both Latisse and Careprost should be used exactly in the same way as directed by the doctor to get the most benefit from them. Both the medicines should not be used more often than recommended by the doctor as they can cause serious side effects.
Therefore, Latisse and Careprost should be used under the supervision of the doctor to enjoy darker, fuller, and more beautiful natural eyelashes. Apart from this, after reading this blog, you must have understood the difference between Latisse and Careprost.