Ways to Decrease the Risk of Thyroid Disease

Ways to Decrease the Risk of Thyroid Disease
Manoj Kumar Published : Feb 05, 2024 Last Updated : Feb 07, 2024

Your thyroid generates and produces hormones that play a vital role in several different systems throughout the body. But when your body makes too much or too little of these essential hormones, you suffer from thyroid disease.

When it comes to thyroid disease, there are various types like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis as well as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Nowadays, thyroid disease is very common among women due to lifestyle factors like stress and diet.

In case, you suffer from a thyroid problem then it is important to consult the doctor immediately in order to know about the best treatment options. But along with medical treatment, there are also a few lifestyle changes that can help in keeping your thyroid on track always.

But before knowing the ways to decrease thyroid disease in females, it is vital to understand what actually is thyroid.

What is a thyroid?

The thyroid gland is a small organ that is located right in the front of your neck and wrapped around the windpipe. It is butterfly-shaped and smaller in the middle with usually two broad wings that expand around the side of the throat.

You need to understand that the thyroid is a gland. In your body, you have several glands that are responsible for producing and releasing substances that assist your body to perform a particular task.

Your thyroid is involved in making hormones that aid in controlling several important functions of the body.

When your thyroid does not work in the right way, it starts negatively affecting your entire body.

You develop the condition of hyperthyroidism when your body makes too much thyroid hormone.

However, if too little thyroid hormone is made by your body, then it is known as hypothyroidism. Both conditions are considered serious and require medical attention.

Who is usually affected by thyroid disease?

Be it men, women, infants, teenagers, or the elderly, thyroid disease can affect anyone. It might be present at birth and thyroid disease can also happen as you age mainly after menopause in women.

When compared to men, women have almost five to eight times more chances to suffer from a thyroid condition.

What are the main symptoms of thyroid disease?

When it comes to thyroid disease, there are several symptoms that you might experience. However, symptoms of a thyroid condition are often the same as the signs of other medical conditions that you can experience in life.

This makes it difficult for you to know whether you are suffering from a thyroid issue or any other medical condition.

Some of the common symptoms of thyroid disease include:

  • Trouble in sleeping
  • Feeling tired
  • Experiencing anxiety and nervousness
  • Gaining weight
  • An enlarged thyroid gland or goiter
  • Vision problems or eye irritation
  • Dry and coarse hair
  • Feeling sensitive to heat
  • Frequent and heavy menstrual periods

Ways to decrease the risk of thyroid disease

Here are some easy ways that can help you to decrease the risk of thyroid disease or manage your thyroid disease.

Stop smoking

It is important to know that cigarette smoke contains toxins that negatively affect your thyroid. Cigarette contains thiocyanate that disturbs iodine uptake and blocks the production of thyroid hormones. 

Smoking also causes elevated levels of the thyroid hormone known as thyroxine (T4). It also leads to a minor reduction in thyroid-stimulating hormone levels. Remember TSH informs your thyroid to make thyroid hormones.

Take foods containing iodine

Your body requires iodine to produce the hormones of the thyroid. But the body is not able to make enough iodine, it becomes important to get iodine from another diet.

Some of the foods that are rich in iodine usually include:

  • Seaweed
  • Cheese
  • Whole eggs
  • Milk
  • Saltwater fish
  • Iodized table salt

Remember deficiency of iodine in your body can lead to an enlarged thyroid gland which is also called goiter.

Practice good sleep hygiene

Not only getting enough sleep but quality sleep is important. This helps in decreasing the symptoms linked with thyroid disorders.

Go for a sugar-free diet

Sugar and processed foods can cause increased inflammation in your body. Inflammation also slows down the conversion of T4 or T3 thyroid hormones. As a result, it makes your thyroid symptoms and thyroid disease worsen.

Intake of zinc

Zinc is an extremely important nutrient that benefits people with low levels of thyroid hormones. Including zinc supplement in combination with selenium supplement often improves thyroid function in females suffering from hypothyroidism.

Food items like pumpkin seeds, crab, chicken, and yogurt are rich in zinc.

Vitamin B

Vitamins are very good at fighting against the underlying causes of thyroid problems. Vitamin B is necessary for smooth thyroid function. Females suffering from hypothyroidism must include vitamin B12 in their diet.

Therefore, thyroid disease can be treated easily with the right medicines and lifestyle changes.